Essential subject for the school curriculum

School is that particular institution, which shapes each of us in various ways for making everyone a worthy member of society. Only the fact to consider school as a way for gaining practical knowledge is simply not taking all the potential that the establishment can provide us. I believe that school is the most crucial institution that is responsible for the development of an individual. Hence, I as a student, shouldn’t be worried about learning about the things that surrounds me on everyday basis, but rather concentrate on learning about myself in the first place.

Our teenage years are spent in school, the most confusing period in our lives when we are eager to know what do we want from this world. Most importantly, we are not only curious about the outside world but our own world as well, which strives to show itself to the world. We start to acknowledge and experiment with our personality; that is why I truly believe that the education we will most likely need to have in school is definitely sex education for the sake of understanding the bond that ties our souls to our bodies. Armenia, where I am from, has very conservative views concerning to the subjects about sex education. The fact that teenage kids will start to understand their bodies, seems way too much terrifying for parents.

As students, we not only gain knowledge from unreliable sources, but also, we sometimes do not receive any support from our parents as well. So, the only source for us becomes the internet, which can fill our brains with unnecessary and untrue information.
In this particular period in our lives, pretty much everything interests us. The fact that schools ignore the fact that we are not curious about sex education is not accurate. Ignoring does not refute the fact that such things do not exist in our surrounding. Raising awareness among the youth is the responsibility of adults and teachers. Being armed with knowledge means being ready for every action that future can bring to us. Consequently, the fact that themes about sex will become important in our adult life, gives more meaning for our teenage years to try explore and understand what kind of bond it is that connects people and what good or bad consequences it can bring to us. Schools, as institutions being responsible for their students’ development, must not act in a way that such subjects are too serious for us to explore.
