Debate/Discussion - Part 2

Debate topic: Social Media and its influence on society


As we know, social networks are part of our everyday routines and they change the way we see and react to things, how we perceive things and our relations, etc. On social media sites, users may develop biographical profiles, communicate with friends and strangers, do research, and share thoughts, photos, music, links, and more. These topic is very debatable and controversial among the population and has its own pros and cons: some of the proponents are that the online communities promote increased interaction with friends and family; offer teachers, librarians, and students valuable access to educational support and materials; facilitate social and political change; and disseminate useful information rapidly.
While the opponents of social networking say that the sites waste time on frivolous activity; alter children’s brains and behaviour making them more prone to ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental disorder of the neurodevelopmental type. It is characterized by difficulty paying attention, excessive activity, and behaviour without regards to consequences which is not appropriate for a person's age. There are also often problems with regulation of emotions.); expose users to predators like pedophiles and burglars; and spread false and potentially dangerous information.

Before starting the debate, I would like to ascertain who agrees and disagrees with this topic, so we can begin the debate.

I would like to express my own opinion about this topic: in my opinion, social media platforms manipulate the public opinion which has emerged as a critical threat to public life. Around the world, a range of websites and news platforms are spreading junk news and disinformation, exercise censorship and control. Many teenagers, including myself are being addicted to social media, social approval, social status, and their physical appearance. It's a system based on social approval, likes, validation, in views, success in followers. It is a perfectly orchestrated self-absorbed judgement. Because of the “Freedom of Speech” which people on social media are taking literally, there are numerous hateful and offensive comments, some of which include curse words, which also trigger tendencies to commit suicide and change the way they are. How can we see ourselves and our true purposes/talents if we are constantly viewing others?
Many of us are in so deep we don't realize social media's delusional powers and the impact it has on our lives.


In this discussion,
no one is allowed to raise their voice
no offensive and hurtful comments/speech
everyone should listen what their opponent says and then state their own opinion
everyone has the right to express their opinion; anybody can disagree with a particular statement, but not state that their beliefs/opinion is wrong.


1. What are the pros and cons of social networks?
Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?
3. Do you think your life is better off because of social media? Or worse? Why?
4. Are cell phones taking control of our personal relationships?
5. Is social media changing family relationships or not?
6. Are people, in general, media literal enough, so they can use social networking wisely?
7. Do you think, that social networks interfere face-to-face communication? Why?
8. Do they trigger depression, anxiety and any mental disorders? How it affects our lifestyle and our body image, the way we behave in real life?
Are you aware of the “Filter bubble”? Basically, it controls your newsfeed in Facebook, analysing the things that you are interested in and thus, making your favourable topics to be included in your feed. Do you think it can influence user’s opinions about certain topics?
