Happy New Year and Merry Christmas

Like most parents, mine as well lied to me and till the age of seven, I believed that Santa Clause, indeed, existed. Certainly, it was a huge disappointment when I discovered the ugly truth behind his existence, but the brightfull side of this tragic revelation was the fact that I still got presents even though those gifts were from my parents. In any case, my love toward this joyful holiday did not fade away, and I still adore New Year more than ever.

First thing first, the main thing that I love about Christman is the preparation process. It is a huge pleasure for me to decorate the entire house and give a festive breath to my surrounding. I, myself take the responsibility to decorate the Christmas tree. Even though it is artifical, it still looks like a natural tree.
As Armenia is a post-Soviet country, we are more passionate about celebrating the New Year rather than the birth of Christ. That's why it is obligatory for all Armenian families to gather and wait until the clock hits the twelve. Of course, all the women have to prepare for the tradition set of the table, which will include various Armenian dishes and meals. At that particular period of time, our house is filled with different delicious smells and frankly speaking this is one of the chief reasons why I love New Year. One of my favourite desserts is baklava which is an Armenian traditional cake. Generally speaking, it is impossible not to find dolma or ''capital salad'' in Armenian houses, and from my personal point of few, every Armenian family needs to make something extraordinary in order to surprise the whole clan of relatives.
Another exciting part of the holiday is the presents that I receive. In most cases, I tell my parents what kind of gifts I prefer to get in order to make their job easier. Additionally, sometimes we play ''Secret Santa'' with my classmates, which I find interesting and in some cases it gives a sense of unity, as in my school there are no Christmas parties organised.
By way of conclusion, New Year is my favourite holiday so far. I love how my family and I visit various houses and give them a box of chocolates. I love how the Armenian families put a lot of effort into making each year memorable. Also, there is a famous Armenian saying according to which ''how you meet the year, the same way you finish it''. So, I think that most of the Armenian are guided by this particular saying.
