Hacksaw Ridge: My favourite movie

I think everyone watches movies in their free time, whether it’s a comedy or horror. And I think that there is no person who doesn’t watch films.
As I mentioned above people watch movies in their free time. My free time mainly consists of watching TV Shows and films. I even have a notebook, where I have written down every film and TV Series I have ever watched, and rated them with my own grading scale.

I have seen many movies, but no movie can be compared to Hacksaw Ridge. It is a truly magnificent masterpiece, that consists of emotional rollercoasters and many historically accurate events,that will tear your heart apart.
Hacksaw Ridge is a war documentary film about the life of United States Army corporal Desmond T. Doss, who served as a combat medic during The World War II, and was the first conscientious objector who received Medal of Honor during The World War II. The film was directed by Mel Gibson and wrriten by Andrew Knight and Robert Schenkkan, starring Andrew Garfield as Desmond Doss.The film focuses on events of Desmond’s early life and later his war life. It starts how he and his brother were climbing the hills, and when they returned home how he nearly killed him. He saw the picture of 10 commandments that his father bought, and ''Thou shall not kill''  made Desmond think about what he did and then later, change. Years later, after the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor, he was motivated to join the forces and serve as a combat medic. When he arrived in Fort Jackson for training, the officers and soldiers turned his life into hell. He exceled physically, but because of his rejection of carrying a gun and training on Saturdays, he quickly became an outcast. Sergeant and Captain attempted to discharge Doss for pyschiatric reasons, but were overruled, as Desmond's religious beliefs do not constitute mental illness. They gave him to do the laundry, clean the toilets, intending to get Doss to leave of his own accord. Despite being beaten one night by his fellow soldiers, he refuses to identify his attackers and continues training. Doss' unit completes basic training and is released on leave, during which Doss intends to marry Dorothy(whom he met in a hospital, while giving blood for patients), but his refusal to carry a firearm leads to an arrest for insubordination. Captain Glover and Dorothy visit Doss in jail and try to convince him to plead guilty so that he can be released without charge but Doss refuses to compromise his beliefs. At his trial, Doss pleads not guilty, but before he is sentenced, his father barges into the tribunal with a letter from a former commanding officer stating that his son's pacifism is protected by an Act of Congress. The charges against Doss are dropped, and he and Dorothy are married. Doss' unit is assigned to the 77th Infantry Division and deployed to the Pacific theater. During the Battle of Okinawa, Doss' unit is informed that they are to relieve the 96th Infantry Division, which was tasked with ascending and securing the Maeda Escarpment ("Hacksaw Ridge”). In the initial fight, both sides sustain heavy losses, and Doss successfully saves several soldiers, including those with severe injuries. The Americans camp for the night, which Doss spends in a foxhole with Smitty, a squadmate who was the first to call Doss a coward. He reveals that the reason he refused to carry a gun, was how he nearly pulled the trigger on his father, because he was threatening his mum with a gun. The next morning, the Japanese launch a massive counterattack and drive the Americans off the escarpment. Every soldier leaves the Escarpment, but only one man stays. The man being Desmond Doss. He hears the cries of wounded soldiers, and decides to run back to battlefield in order to save their lives. He starts retreating the wounds and belays them down by a rope, each time praying to save one more. The arrival of dozens of wounded once presumed dead comes as a shock to the rest of the unit below. When day breaks, Doss rescues Howell and the two finally escape Hacksaw under enemy fire. Captain Glover tells Doss that the men have been inspired by his miraculous efforts, and that they will not launch the next attack without him. Despite the next day being the Sabbathday, he joins his fellow soldiers after finishing his prayers. With reinforcements, they turn the tide of battle. During an ambush set by Japanese soldiers feigning surrender, Doss manages to save Glover and others by knocking away enemy grenades. Doss is eventually wounded by a grenade blast, but the battle is won. Doss descends the cliff, clutching the Bible Dorothy gave him.
The film ends with footage showing how he got his Medal of Honour by President Harry S. Truman, for rescuing 75 soldiers on Hacksaw Ridge, and the interviews he, his brother Hal, Captain Glover gave. He died on March 23, 2006, at the age of 87.

In conclusion this movie achieved many recognition and many awards. It is one of the most historically accurate film of all the time and in my opinion, there will be no film that will portray the life of Desmond Doss this magnificent as it was portrayed in this movie. It is and will always be my favourite movie.

Andrew Garfield as Desmond T. Doss

Desmond Doss receiving the Medal of Honour from President  Harry S. Truman
